Life returned to normal on this beach this week. Not really a good thing.
belles ailes
7 May 2020 8:46am
7 May 2020 10:01am
L'image est assez troublante. Très belle, aussi. J'aime beaucoup.
7 May 2020 10:42am
7 May 2020 11:36am
I can hear the din of seagulls from here. Another photo of you that I love. I follow you. ;-)
7 May 2020 12:08pm
Top! +++++
7 May 2020 2:33pm
Un beau vol de sternes !!!!
7 May 2020 4:19pm
Great shot!
7 May 2020 5:09pm
the birds don't seem to care as long as there is still food to be found excellent POV in the middle of the action
7 May 2020 5:37pm
Wouah !!! trop joli.
7 May 2020 5:42pm
So beautiful.
7 May 2020 7:56pm
A M A Z I N G !!!
10 May 2020 6:24am
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Canon EOS 5D Mark IV1/2500 secondF/2.8ISO 100200 mm
sanibel beach terns birds wildlife gulf coast